Thanks to Anna L and the power of Facebook status updates, I've got a suggestion to read Who Moved My Cheese. It's a book about change management, a subject which I've been pondering lately. The big question so far is: "Why are a lot of people dreadfully afraid of change?" It's even got it's own -phobia, namely Tropophobia. How come we haven't heard a lot about that one? Instead, people focus on phobias like Arachnophobia and Paraskavedekatriaphobia. These certainly aren't trivial to those who have them, but in comparison, Tropophobia is surely a much more incapacitating phobia for the whole of humanity.
Well, we probably haven't heard about Tropophobia, since the very knowledge about the fear of change might induce actions towards getting rid of it, which is a change in itself. Bummer.
Mautrix-Signal bridge dropping Dendrite
1 year ago